We are excited to introduce you to our educational website dedicated to BREAST IMAGING - 256shadesofgray.ca
You can earn up to 11 CME credits taking the self-study courses at your convenience:

Pediatric and adolescent breast imaging.
Breast disorders in pregnant and lactating women.
Correlating of sonographic and mammographic images (with many clinical cases to practice).
Learn, test, earn CMEs and improve your skills in Breast Imaging with us.

Educational activities registered with Sonography Canada and recommended by ARDMS

About the Author

Nina Romanova is the author of the teaching course ”256 Shades Of Gray: Ultrasound Diagnostic of Breast Pathology”.

She is ARDMS and CRGS registered sonographer withmore than 20 years of experience in breast imaging.

Nina was associated with The Burwin Institute of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound since 2017 and spent 2017-2018 as the author of the Burwin Institute’s Breast Sonography course.  She has five publications in Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography related to Ultrasound Diagnostic of Breast Pathology. 

Nina Romanova is an active lecturer for the International RAD-AID Learning Center